The law of sowing and reaping is one of the most powerful natural laws.
The whole world and the material universe is built and governed by absolute laws, fixed laws that are unchanging. God has structured His universe to run on these absolute and unchanging laws and they are always in operation. Quantum physics has proved this to be true.
The law of sowing and reaping which some describe as Karma states that whatever we sow, we shall reap. As long as the earth remains, seedtime and harvest will not cease. Whatever you plant is exactly what you will harvest.
You cannot change this law, you can’t beat it, it’s always at work. Whatever you’re reaping now or whatever circumstances present in your life now are as a result of the seeds you’ve sown. Farmers work consistently and tirelessly most of the year. They reap the harvest of what they have planted. They cannot plant oranges and expect to reap mangoes. Likewise in our lives, we reap whatever seed we are sowing by our thoughts, actions, how we spend our time, how we treat people and so on.
The truth is we are all sowing something whether we realize it or not.
We are sowing into our minds, marriages, children, relationships, associations, work life, and so on.
Our thoughts are SEEDS. Our Actions are a result of our thoughts. The conditions and circumstances of our lives are the harvest we reap. Unfortunately, the negative things that we sow will produce a harvest just as much as the good things we sow.
Your mind is like a yielding land. If you plant a goal into your mind and believe it to be achieved, it will come to life, it has to, because it is a law.
"As a man thinks in his heart so is he." Your thoughts run and control your life. A man is literally what he thinks, both his character and his circumstances.
If you are a leader, it is recommended to sow the seeds of team spirit.
Leadership is nothing but service.
As an employee, understand the importance of discipline. This is the only way to take a leap to the other side of the game to become a future leader.
Instead of living with an employee mentality, sow the right seeds, be accountable, interact well with others, have clear goals and build a leadership mindset.
As someone said rightly said, ‘Today is the Father of Tomorrow’. What we are today, and how we will be tomorrow is a result of what we have been and sown yesterday. This principle of ‘sowing and reaping’ is irrevocable; nobody can escape from its consequences. Best is to understand this law and make it work in your favor by ensuring that you sow the right seeds today for our future.